Thanksgiving Oven Roasted Turkey

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Don’t forget to wash your hands in warm soapy water every time you handle the turkey and then touch anything else, which will happen several times during this process

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Thaw: Place unopened turkey, breast side up, on a tray in the refrigerator.
Allow at least 24 hours of thawing for every 4 pounds of turkey.

Temperature: Always use a meat thermometer to determine when the turkey is done (fully cooked).
The temperature should reach 180° F in the thigh, 160° F in the breast.

Two-Hour Storage: Store leftovers in separate containers within two hours after cooking.

Three Days to Eat: Your leftovers will last 3 days in the refrigerator.
Eat or freeze leftover turkey within that time period.

Here are a few more Turkey Tips:
Wash your utensils, work surfaces and hands in hot, soapy water after contact with uncooked turkey.
Prepare your stuffing outside of the bird.
Carve the turkey before you place in the refrigerator.
Always use a meat thermometer, don't guess at the temperature.
The white meat cooks faster than the dark meat. Tenting the turkey breast for 1/2 of the cook time
will slow down the white meat cooking process and will allow the dark and white meat to cook evenly
A partially frozen bird requires longer cooking.
Dark turkey roasting pans cook faster than shiny metals.
The depth and size of the pan can reduce heat circulation to all areas of the bird.
Use of the roasting pan’s lid speeds cooking.
The rack position can have an affect on even cooking and heat circulation.
A turkey or its pan may be too large for the oven, thus blocking heat circulation.

To Take Temperature of Thigh – Place the thermometer in the thickest part of thigh away from the bone of the turkey to check the internal temperature at intervals during the cooking time.

To Take Temperature of Breast – Insert thermometer at neck end, holding it parallel to the turkey.  Confirm temperature by inserting thermometer in both sides of the turkey.

Cleaning Meat Thermometer – After each use, wash the stem section of the thermometer thoroughly in hot, soapy water.

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